Introducing the ever inspiring Vanja Vukelić
From the first moment seeing her work,
We felt instantly connected.
Her drawings,
her words,
her universe
and Her.
The symbolism and
the alchemy.
The touch she brings,
it continues to be a place of escape and inspiration for us. x
Introducing the ever inspiring Vanja Vukelić
From the first moment seeing her work,
We felt instantly connected.
Her drawings,
her words,
her universe
and Her.
The symbolism and
the alchemy.
The touch she brings,
it continues to be a place of escape and inspiration for us. x

Together we have produced something special.
Taking elements of her universe
and letting them escape onto ours.
This fabric is made from recycled materials,
such as fishing nets and plastics from the oceans.
Her dreamworld and
all its features.
The Sun, The Moon
and mythical creatures x